Kerala Social Security Mission with its head quarters at Thiruvananthapuram is constituted under the Social Justice Department with a mission to support the poor, destitute, aged, women, children, chronically ill cancer patients and other weaker sections of the society and takes measures for the betterment these sections of society
Online applications are invited from qualified candidates for the post of District Coordinator in State initiative on Disabilities of Kerala Social Security Mission. The details of the application are as follows
Name of the Post : District Coordinator
Number of Vacancies: 12
Nature of Vacancy : On contract basis
Period of Contract : One year
Educational Qualification
Masters Degree in Social Work/ Sociology/Public Health from a recognised University
Minimum two years experience in the area of disability or health related projects/ Schemes
Age Limit : 40 years as on 31/3/2021
Remuneration : Rs 32560/ PM
Place of posting : Any where in Kerala
Last date of submission of application form : 14/7/2021
Applications shall be submitted online through the official website of the Mission.
For more details and online application visit