Councillor, Service Provider At Kudumbashree

The State poverty eradication mission- Kudumbashree had invited application for the post of Councillor and Service Provider vide notification dated 9.3.2017 on contract basis from among female candidates. Interested candidates should send the detailed bio data,attested copies of certificates along with the application format given in the official web site of the Kudumbashree mission.

Name of Post
No of Vacancies-22
Qualification-MSW/Post Graduation In Counselling or Equivalent qualification.
Experience-Two years practical experience in counselling.
Maximum Age-40
Remuneration-Rs 30,000/ month
Service Provider
No of Vacancies-51
Experience-No essential
Candidates with 2 years experience will be given preference.The applicants should be members of Kudumbashree or Family member of Kudumbashree.
Maximum Age-40
Remuneration-Rs 20,000/ month
Mode of Applying
 Interested candidates should down load the application form given in the official web site of Kudumbashree and apply offline in the given address along with other required documents,
PB NO – 436
Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram 695014 before 31/3/2017.
To download the application form and to get more details please log on to
Selection will be based on written test and interview.

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