Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment-Executive Director,Director

Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment Sasthrabhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, an autonomous body under Government of Kerala to promote excellence in science, technology and development with the involvement of academia, industry and research organizations innvites applications for appointment of Director/Executive Director for the R&D Centres under KSCSTE. The tenure will be for a period of five years
Executive Director, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), Kozhikode
Qualifications : First Class Master’s Degree in Engineering/Science with Ph.D with specialization in Water Resources/ Engineering/Hydraulic Engineering/ Hydrology or related fields from reputed Institutions.
Experience:  15 years in a research/academic/R&D institution or organization, of which 10 years should be at a senior level provided that 5 years shall be in the grade of Senior Principal Scientist (PB-Rs.37400-67000, Grade Pay-8900) OR shall be presently holding the grade of Chief Scientist (PB-Rs.37400- 67000, Grade Pay-10000). Equivalent positions/grades in academic institutions/industry will also be considered. Experience should relate to river and hydraulic engineering, water resources planning, development and management.  Experience of R&D administration and HRD in S&T  Comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic correlates of water in· the country in general, and Kerala in particular.
Age : Below 55 years as on 01.12.2016 Pay Band : Rs. 37400 – 67000, Grade Pay Rs. 10000
Director, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI), Thiruvananthapuram
Qualifications : First Class Master’s Degree in Botany/ Plant Sciences or related fields with Ph.D in the concerned subject.
Experience: 15 years in a research/academic/R&D institution or organization, of which 10 years should be at a senior level provided that 5 years shall be in the grade of Senior Principal Scientist (PB-Rs.37400-67000, Grade Pay-8900) OR shall be presently holding the grade of Chief Scientist (PB-Rs.37400-67000, Grade Pay- 10000) . Equivalent positions/grades in academic institutions/industry will also be considered. Experience should be indicated by high quality publications and demonstrated ability to guide research and manage multidisciplinary teams to create an environment conducive to R&D/education/extension. Interest/competence in Plant Taxonomy/Tropical Botany/Economic Botany/ Conservation will be desirable
 Age : Below 55 years as on 01.12.2016 Pay Band : Rs. 37400 – 67000, Grade Pay Rs. 10000

 Applications, accompanied by detailed bio-data, copies of certificates and name of three referees, should reach the Member Secretary, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala State on or before 10.01.2017. 

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