Centre for Water Resources Development and Management,Calicut, Kunnamangalam invites applications for the post of project assistant for a period of two years.
Number of vacancies-1
Age of -28 (as on January 2014)
Sakary-Rs 6000/-
Educational Qualifications-Diploma in Agricultural Science (D.A.Sc) or 1st class diploma in Computer Science.
Candidates can attend the interview at CWRDM Kunnamangalam at 10:30 AM on 9th of May.
Candidates should carry along with them originals and photocopies of certificates showing age, qualifications and experience.
For more details visit www.cwrdm.org
Number of vacancies-1
Age of -28 (as on January 2014)
Sakary-Rs 6000/-
Educational Qualifications-Diploma in Agricultural Science (D.A.Sc) or 1st class diploma in Computer Science.
Candidates can attend the interview at CWRDM Kunnamangalam at 10:30 AM on 9th of May.
Candidates should carry along with them originals and photocopies of certificates showing age, qualifications and experience.
For more details visit www.cwrdm.org