Application have been called for to fill up the vacancy of System Administrator in Kerala Public Service Commission on Deputation basis. Place of posting will be at Pattom Thiruvananathapuram, Kerala PSC head office.
Name of Post :System Admninistrator
No Of Vacancy : 1
Scale of Pay :40640-57440/-
Qualifications :
M.Tech in Computer Science with 10 Years experience in managing a centre
offering Computer Software or network services and interfacing with user community.
B.Tech in Computer Science with 12 Years experience in managing a centre
offering Computer Software or network services and interfacing with user community.
Applications should be sent through proper channel and should reach the office on or before 19/9/2013.
Applications should be sent to : The Joint Secretary
Establishment Section
Thiruvananthapuram 695 004
For more details visit
Name of Post :System Admninistrator
No Of Vacancy : 1
Scale of Pay :40640-57440/-
Qualifications :
M.Tech in Computer Science with 10 Years experience in managing a centre
offering Computer Software or network services and interfacing with user community.
B.Tech in Computer Science with 12 Years experience in managing a centre
offering Computer Software or network services and interfacing with user community.
Applications should be sent through proper channel and should reach the office on or before 19/9/2013.
Applications should be sent to : The Joint Secretary
Establishment Section
Thiruvananthapuram 695 004
For more details visit